Thursday, April 4, 2019

Define Coronary Artery Disease

It is the leading cause of death in the United States. Coronary heart disease is often caused by the buildup of plaque a waxy substance inside the lining of larger coronary arteries.

Coronary Artery Disease Wikipedia

Is there a difference.

Define coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries which can cause angina pectoris or heart attack. It is sometimes called coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease. Coronary artery disease is a narrowing or blockage of the arteries and vessels that provide oxygen and nutrients to the heart.

Cholesterol-containing deposits plaques in your coronary arteries and inflammation are usually to blame for coronary artery disease. Plaque is made of fat cholesterol and other materials. It is the leading cause of death in the United States in both men and women.

ROC analysis was then performed comparing ST depression and treadmill scores at each of these cut-points. Cut-points were considered between 40 to 100 coronary lumen stenosis. This is due to the buildup of cholesterol and other material called plaque on their inner walls.

Coronary artery disease CAD is the most common type of heart disease. Coronary artery disease CAD also called coronary heart disease CHD ischemic heart disease IHD or simply heart disease involves the reduction of blood flow to the heart muscle due to build-up of plaque atherosclerosis in the arteries of the heart. Coronary artery disease develops when the major blood vessels that supply your heart become damaged or diseased.

Coronary heart disease CHD or coronary artery disease occurs when a coronary artery clogs and narrows because of a buildup of plaque. Coronary heart disease is a type of heart disease that develops when the arteries of the heart cannot deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to the heart. A major cause of illness and death CAD begins when hard cholesterol substances plaques are deposited within a coronary artery.

Coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease CAD atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries which may cause angina pectoris myocardial infarction and sudden death. Coronary artery disease also called CAD coronary or atherosclerotic heart disease is a serious condition caused by a buildup of plaque in your coronary arteries.

This plaque builds up inside artery walls and can cause the arteries to narrow and stiffen. Coronary artery disease CAD causes impaired blood flow in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. As the disease progresses plaque buildup can partially block blood flow to the heart muscle.

The American Heritage Science Dictionary Copyright 2011. Both genetically determined and avoidable risk factors contribute to the disease. It is caused by atherosclerosis an accumulation of fatty materials on the inner linings of arteries.

However the difference between the 50 and 75. The cut-point for coronary lumen stenosis that returned the highest AUC for ST depression and scores was between 70 and 80 coronary luminal stenosis. Impedance or blockage of one or more arteries that supply blood to the heart usually due to atherosclerosis hardening of the arteries.

But what about coronary artery disease. Stable coronary artery disease CAD is defined as an established pattern of angina pectoris a history of myocardial infarction MI or the presence of plaque documented by catheterization1 CAD. A positive family history hypertension smoking diabetes mellitus and elevated blood lipids increase the risk of developing coronary artery disease.

The resulting blockage restricts blood flow to the heart. Coronary artery disease CAD is the most common type of heart disease in the United States. Without enough blood supply the heart is unable to work properly especially under increased stress.

They include hypercholesterolemia hypertension smoking diabetes mellitus and low levels of high density lipoproteins HDL. The short answer is often no health professionals frequently use the terms interchangeably. Coronary artery disease CAD or ischemic heart disease IHD are the terms used to describe narrowing of the coronary arteries.

A score from the Guangdong Coronary Artery Disease Cohort GCADC study 65 had good predictive value for mortality among secondary prevention patients and the European trial on reduction of cardiac events with perindopril in stable coronary artery disease EUROPA score model predicted CVD mortality but not nonfatal outcomes or combined end. What is coronary artery disease. Also called coronary heart disease CHD CAD.

For some people the first sign of CAD is a heart attack. CAD happens when the arteries that supply blood to heart muscle become hardened and narrowed. Coronary artery disease CAD is the single most common cause of death in the developed world responsible for about 1 in every 5 deaths.

Coronary heart disease is a common term for the buildup of plaque in the hearts arteries that could lead to heart attack. The morbidity mortality and socioeconomic importance of this disease make timely accurate diagnosis and cost-effective management of CAD of. You and your health care team may be able to help reduce your risk for CAD.

What Is Coronary Artery Disease. The coronary arteries supply blood oxygen and nutrients to your heart.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Sintomas De Problemas En Los Riñones

Otras enfermedades de los riñones pueden incluir. De todas formas ten en cuenta que esto no es en sí un síntoma de problemas en el funcionamiento en los riñones sino más bien un factor biológico que te predispone a sufrir esta clase de complicaciones y que si se da a la vez que alguno de los síntomas que hemos visto puede ayudarte a entender lo que te pasa.

Insuficiencia Renal Sintomas Para Identificarla Clinica Davila

Los síntomas de problemas en los riñones son raros sin embargo cuando existen las primeras señales suelen ser disminución de la cantidad de orina y alteración en su aspecto comezón en la piel hinchazón exagerada de las piernas y cansancio constante.

Sintomas de problemas en los riñones. Dolor abdominal del vientre Dolor de espalda. Usted puede correr mayor riesgo de padecer una enfermedad renal si tiene diabetes presión alta o un familiar cercano con algún problema de los riñones. Presencia de sangre de color rosado rojo o café en la orina también llamada hematuria.

Dolor agudo en la espalda el lado la parte baja del abdomen o la ingle. Consulte con su médico inmediatamente si tiene infecciones de la vejiga o los riñones. Los cálculos renales son depósitos duros de minerales y sales que se forman en los riñones y pueden viajar a otras partes del sistema urinario.

Síntomas comunes de problemas en riñón en niños Dolor de espalda en parte inferior del abdomen o en un costado del cuerpo. Cuáles son los síntomas de las piedras en los riñones. Cuando los riñones no funcionan correctamente la persona sufre retención de líquidos y como consecuencia empieza a sufrir hinchazón.

Tener uno o más de estos síntomas puede ser un signo de un problema serio de los riñones. Un adulto mayor de 65 años con una infección renal podría no tener ninguno de los síntomas típicos. Un niño menor de 2 años con una infección renal podría solo tener fiebre alta.

Cambios en la función y frecuencia urinaria. Dolor o ardor al orinar. Las mujeres son más propensas a tener infecciones del riñón que los hombres debido a la forma que los cuerpos de las mujeres están construidos.

Los problemas de riñón conocidos como insuficiencia renal pueden desembocar en consecuencias como acumulación de desechos y líquidos mayor presión arterial y anemia. Otro de los síntomas de una enfermedad renal es la hinchazón. Los riñones son uno de los órganos más importantes del cuerpo humano responsables de filtrar la sangre y eliminar los desechos entre otras funciones.

Debido a esto es necesario identificar y tratar estas enfermedades a tiempo para evitar un riesgo mayor en la salud. Síntomas comunes de las infecciones de los riñones incluyen fiebre vómitoso dolor de espalda los costados o la ingle. Necesidad constante de orinar.

Las enfermedades de los riñones más comunes pueden derivar o ser signos de enfermedades renales crónicas lo que a su vez puede resultar en una falla renal. Es muy común para los pacientes especialmente ancianos asociar un dolor en la región lumbar a una posible enfermedad renal. No obstante algunos síntomas pueden ser indicadores de la.

Los riñones sanos producen EPO o eritropoyetina una hormona que participa en la producción de células rojas de la sangre que proporcionan oxígeno. La enfermedad renal crónica va dañando los nefrones de a poco con el transcurso del tiempo. Síntomas que advierten de posible problemas en los riñones 1.

De hecho la mayoría de las enfermedades renales incluyendo insuficiencia renal crónica no causa dolor de espalda. Dolor en la espalda o dolor en los riñones. Realmente no hay un síntoma claro porque normalmente no hay dolor añade Daniel Gallego.

Los síntomas de una infección renal podrían incluir escalofrío fiebre y micción frecuente y dolorosa. Estos cálculos causan síntomas como dolor dificultad. Puede utilizar cremas y lociones para resolver su problema de la piel pero eso no va a tratar su problema de fondo si sus erupciones tienen que ver con el daño renal.

Si tus riñones dejan de trabajar de repente falla renal aguda puede que notes uno o más de los siguientes síntomas. Si tiene dolor o ardor al orinar necesidad frecuente de orinar orina turbia o rojiza náuseas fiebre o dolor de espalda o debajo de las costillas es posible que tenga una infección de la vejiga o los riñones. Entre los síntomas de las piedras en los riñones están.

El primer síntoma son cambios en la cantidad y frecuencia de la urinación especialmente en la noche. Dolor lumbar es en la mayoría de los casos causada por.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

White Spots On Teeth Child

White spots on your childs teeth can mean one of three things. The main symptoms of chalky teeth molar hypomineralisation.

The Most Common Causes Of White Spots On Baby Teeth How To Prevent Them

There are cases where your child can develop white spots on their teeth which are called Turners tooth The technical term for Turners tooth is hypoplasia and it is a condition that leads to a reduction in thickness of the tooths enamel in kids.

White spots on teeth child. Ad Whiter Teeth for Under 50. Light brown spots on teeth. On the other hand if the white spots on a childs permanent teeth are close to the gum line they might be a sign of early dental decay.

When this is the case effective preventive treatment can arrest the development of the decay. White spots on teeth in child baby or toddler In children or toddlers white spots are often the result of taking too much fluoride. Primary and permanent molars usually emerge as chalky teeth but incisors can be affected too in the worst cases.

Another one on the list of what causes white spots on teeth in children and in adults that you should not look down is high fevers. For babies below 2 years baby teeth are often the first set of teeth. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms.

Babies who drink formula made with water that contains a high level of fluoride are at a slightly elevated risk of developing fluorosis. If your babys brand-new teeth have white spots or streaks on them it may be a sign of fluorosis a condition that develops when a child gets too much enamel while the teeth are developing. For children a very common location for caries is at the gumline cervical caries and so if the white spots are located just by the gumline thats another strong sign that the white spot is because of caries and not fluorosis or anything else.

Simple Quick and Effective. Common causes of fluorosis include drinking too much fluoridated water swallowing fluoride toothpaste and taking certain medications. The white spots on teeth could be Hypoplasia or Hypocalcification conditions that occurs during the development of some teeth.

They are a sign of early decay. As a child loses a tooth there is much anticipation of the arrival of the brand new tooth. Bright white spots on teeth.

Ad Whiter Teeth for Under 50. The beginning of cavities. Chalky white spots on your childs permanent teeth can be the result of trauma to a primary tooth while hisher permanent tooth was developing in hisher jaw.

However if you notice white spots appearing on your toddlers teeth its possible your child has a condition called fluoriosis which means they have actually taken in too much fluoride. This is a very common white spot that is formed during tooth development. White spots on teeth White teeth can be a sign of excellent dental health and some people do whatever they can to keep their smile as white as.

Sometimes the anticipation felt by the parent is replaced with concern after noticing white spots on the newly erupted tooth. Or chalky white lines at the gum line or around orthodontic braces can be a warning sign. Known as fluorosis its a cosmetic issue that occurs when babies or young children ingest too much fluoride while their teeth are still forming under their gums.

The defect can be milky white yellow or brown in color. A child affected by enamel hypoplasia may have permanent discolored teeth with white spots or deep grooves. White spots on your toddlers teeth can signify their mouth had overexposure to fluoride.

Technically called white spot lesions. If left untreated these spots can eventually develop cavities and need to. Simple Quick and Effective.

White spot lesions may be due to fluorosis overexposure of fluoride to the teeth enamel hypoplasia thinner development of the enamel on teeth demineralization of the enamel on the teeth low calcium diet and poor oral hygiene. Firstly it can be a white spot called Enamel Hypoplasia. Your diet can cause white spots to appear on your teeth.

Therefore make sure that your children brush their teeth well especially when they have fevers. She or he will eventually have the whole set by three which she or he eventually lose to make room for primary or permanent teeth. For children a high fever can cause some white spots on teeth associated with the loss of minerals on these spots.

The Mayo Clinic recommends that children as young as six months begin fluoride intake.

Allergic Reaction To Vitamin C

Other symptoms may include asthma sinus pressure nasal congestion shortness of breath wheezing and sinus headaches. Symptoms of irritation normally include redness or a mild burning sensation and they tend to appear immediately.

Can Vitamin C Serum Cause Allergic Reactions Mabox Cosmetics

Vitamin C in its natural state will not cause an allergic reaction.

Allergic reaction to vitamin c. Vitamin C prevents histamine formation while antihistamines interfere with the function of histamine when it is already produced. Patch tests and an oral exposure with vitamin C gave positive reactions. If you smoke smoking can make ascorbic acid less effective.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist about using ascorbic acid if you have. Skin rashes hives and eczema are common reactions from a vitamin C allergy. It is may be common for some people to experience side effects such as allergic reactions after using skincare products.

The symptoms is non specific so could be a asthma like attack or a vagal reaction. Same applies to different vitamin C serums. Vitamin C acts as a natural antihistamine and antioxidant.

Allergens trigger the production of histamine which causes seasonal conditions such as a runny nose excess mucus and tearing. These can irritate harm and aggravate the skin causing allergic reactions rashes and burns. The most common signs of a vitamin allergy include hives facial swelling skin irritation and vomiting among others.

Yes vitamin C for allergies helps. A person who experiences an allergic reaction to multivitamins may break out in itchy hives. This is typically common for those with sensitive skin.

Prone to allergies and allergic reactions atopic disease. Higher intake of vitamin C is not linked with a lower risk of eczema wheezing food allergies or allergic sensitization. Although allergic reactions to Vitamin C in skincare are rare they can happenNow allergic reactions are different to irritation.

Or if you are allergic to the L-Ascorbic acid which is the primary base of many Vitamin C serums. Irritation may also cause breakoutsAn allergic reaction however occurs after repeated exposure. Furthermore vitamin C is involved in many other non-enzymatic reactions including histamine degradation glutathione recycling and free radical scavenging 4.

If these signs persist it might be a possible allergic reaction. You should not use ascorbic acid if you have ever had an allergic reaction to a vitamin C supplement. People with a variety of food allergies may also be allergic to vitamin C and vitamin D.

This is most certainly unrelated to Merucry consumption. In general these side effects do not occur from eating foods that contain vitamin C but rather from taking the vitamin. This does not look like an allergic reaction to Vitamin C or any other food you have consumed.

Kidney disease or a history of kidney stones. Some including me are having reactions if they eat too much vitamin c like 500mg. Unless this keeps recurring you need not worry about this.

So do not worry. It is possible to experience itching redness skin irritation and a tingling or burning sensation. If you are allergic to ascorbic acid and vitamin C you will only experience an allergic reaction when you take supplements.

Understanding the physiological role of vitamin C makes more clear why its so effective in managing allergic conditions and. Eczematous skin lesions appeared during normal uptake of the vitamin C contained in food. Theres some evidence that vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid may help with some allergies.

One of the most common side effects of using a Vitamin C serum is irritation which then leads to redness. After a vitamin C-free diet the skin lesions disappeared. The most common side effect of high vitamin C intake is digestive distress.

I get blisters on the side of mouth cold sores and facial dry itchy scalling skin. Hereditary iron overload disorder hematochromatosis. Oxidized Vitamin C may increase the formation of free radicals.

Some newer facial products containing Vitamin C derivatives are effective with lower concentration levels. Vitamin C products that claim to be highly potent are highly acidic. A case of vitamin C allergy of the delayed type is reported.

There are list of drugs and food that an alpha thalssemia diagnosed person should not consume and one of those are large quantity of vitamin c. Because most supplements are synthetic your immune system may not recognize the substance and attack it causing an allergic reaction. Your digestive system may react later with diarrhea vomiting nausea and abdominal pain.

Thank you for the reply.

Why Am I Constantly Nauseous

A person can feel nauseous for many reasons. I know anxiety can cause nausea but it is always the nausea first then the panic which probably does make it worse.

Feeling Nauseous But Not Throwing Up Ochsner Health

Stomach Producing Excess Acid Gastritis or excess stomach acid can result in nausea that may or may not include stomach pain.

Why am i constantly nauseous. When a person smells something that is unappealing the brain may signal the stomach to contract and eject the contents of t. One standout theory for why some people may just be more susceptible to illness is the hygiene hypothesisthe idea that the more bacteria and. Beginning in 2019 I became nauseous every day and it is still on going.

Mental Health Causing Nausea Stress fear and anxiety can cause many stomach-related problems. Irritation and swelling of the lining of the nasal passages cause nonallergic rhinitis. Although it is possible that menopause has some effect on you being nauseous it is not a common thing that one would associate with menopause.

External factors may contribute to nausea as may medical conditions. The blood vessels in your nose expand and blood rushes into the nasal lining. Just the way a runny nose is a symptom of allergies or a cold a queasy stomach is often a suggestion of.

This causes abnormal expansion. Sometimes your body is just trying to show you the signs of dehydration. Nausea is very common but that doesnt mean its any less likely to ruin your day.

One in 3-4 Americans is. If you constantly have a nauseous feeling every time after eating it could be because of irritation caused by a stomach ulcer. I try remind myself I wont be sick but the feeling can be so overwhelming at times it is hard to think you arent going to be sick.

This has been a battle since 2018 and I am tired. Ulcers in the stomach are caused by the HPylori bacterial infection which eats away at the stomach lining. B vitamin deficiencies can cause all sorts of problems from brain fog to nerve pain and numbness to depression or nausea and muscle weakness.

I can not see my GI doctor for another 22 days so they are giving my zofran to hold me over. Your body needs H2O constantly so your cells can create the. I try remain calm but it is hard not to.

I have new symptoms now including increased heart rate from 50bpm to 140bpm instantly and I being to shake violently. Although some nausea is not uncommon after sleeve the first step is to understand the anatomy with a diagnostic study such as upper Gi contrast study commonly just called a barium swallow and upper endoscopy known as an EGDIf the anatomy is ok next is to understand that the sleeve can cause reflux which can cause nausea and also since there is no bypass Bile reflux can occur from the duodenum to the stomach which can also give nausea. Stress and depression can contribute to ulcers anxiety can result in symptoms like nausea vomiting bloating constipation and diarrhea and insomnia can make a person feel generally weak sick or sensitive to aches and pains.

You may need to drink more water. However all the other signs you describe - mood change and hot flashes are the typical menopause signs but the most important thing is - are your periods the same or is there any change there. The most common deficiency is vitamin B12 especially in vegans as it is found mostly in animal sources.

Feelings of nausea arent always a sign that you need a doctor or medical attention. The following list represents only 8 of the many potential reasons you may be experiencing nausea or sickness after eating.

Monday, April 1, 2019

People Who Died From Police Brutality

Mason was shot and died at the scene. AFP Here is more on the grim statistic and the police-related deaths of black people.

Trump Twists Stats On Police Brutality More White People Are Killed Donald Trump The Guardian

More than 1000 unarmed people were killed due to police harm between 2013-2019 and one third were black according to Mapping Police Violence.

People who died from police brutality. Mason was shot and killed by police pursuing him as a suspect in another shooting. People of black Asian and minority ethnicity die disproportionately as a result of use of force or restraint by the police raising serious questions of institutional racism as a contributory. They account for less than 13 percent of the US.

16 The deaths of black people relating to police. In 2017 Police shot and killed 223 black men. Monterrosa a 22-year-old San Francisco resident was shot and killed by an officer in Vallejo California.

Lets look at some of the tragedies of the last 3 years. Officer Mark Vaughn used his body weight to force Prudes head against the pavement as others restrained him. According to police statements police pursued Mason and eventually stopped his vehicle with spike stripes at which point Mason exchanged fire with the police.

The recent killings of George Floyd Breonna Taylor and. Gurley who was unarmed was pronounced dead at a hospital. New York Police Department Commissioner Bill.

These are 100 names of victims that have lost their lives due to systematic racism and police brutality. News Police Police Shooting Police Killings Police brutality Since George Floyd s death last May while in Minneapolis police custody 181 Black people in the US. More than 1000 unarmed people were killed due to police harm between 2013-2019 and one third were black according to Mapping Police Violence.

The Washington Post keeps track of all the victims of police shootings. Prude said police were trying to kill him as he was restrained for over three. Akai Gurley 28 was shot and killed by a police officer while walking in a dimly lit New York City public housing stairwell with his girlfriend.

Most of the victims. Kerr reportedly posted a series of videos in which he detailed his experiences in the military and as a police officer and spoke extensively about racism police brutality and mental health. This is a limited list of deaths curated by NPR since Eric Garners death in July 2014We are taking the time to saytheirnames because it is more than a hashtag.

Although half of the people shot and killed by police are White Black Americans are shot at a disproportionate rate. 16 The deaths of black people relating to police brutality have sparked outrage Credit. Population but are killed by.

In the United States there is a long history of police brutality most of which has been aimed at Black people. The the human rights group told. The officer thought Monterrosa had a gun in his pocket but instead it was a hammer.

CNN At least 10 people have died in protests over police brutality in Nigeria Amnesty International said Tuesday.

High Blood Sugar In Kids

The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster If a child is eating processed foods refined carbohydrates and sugar especially without the balance of healthy protein and fat this causes the CNS to produce insulin. You can have temporary spikes in blood sugar after eating a large meal or as a result of medication side effects.

Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes is one of the main causes of high blood sugar levels but there are other causes that can impact your blood glucose and your risk for hyperglycemia.

High blood sugar in kids. Also known as hyperglycemia high blood sugar can occur in children who eat too many carbs or sweet foods. High Blood Sugar Levels. Signs and symptoms of high blood sugar include.

What else can you do. High blood sugar which is medically referred to as hyperglycemia is a serious condition that demands immediate treatment. The following article provides information on the symptoms and contributing factors for elevated blood glucose levels in children.

This is due to diabetic neuropathy a. It can be caused by too much food not enough insulin less activity than usual stress or illness. Hyperglycemia refers to high blood sugar levels.

If symptoms of high blood sugar occur. High blood sugar hyperglycemia Hyperglycemia is a blood sugar level above your childs target range. A quick spike in blood sugar from refined and processed foods leads to a quick burst of energy and a rapid decline in energy.

People with high blood sugar may. According to Yale School of Medicine a normal blood sugar for a child without diabetes should fall within the following ranges. As we know that blood sugar levels of children of different age groups vary.

Thanks to processed foods toxins and stress most people kids included are dealing with high blood sugar on a regular basis. If the blood sugar is greater than 240 check or have the student check the urine for ketones. Though sugar doesnt cause children to act hyper it can give them a burst of energy that causes a crashing sensation later.

For the vast majority of children sugar will not cause hyperactivity but the jury is still out for one group of youngsters. When blood sugar levels get too high the kidneys flush out the extra glucose into your urine pee which is why people who have high blood sugar levels need to pee more often and in larger amounts. Blood sugar levels can rise for many reasons including illness eating too much eating the wrong types of foods and not taking enough insulin.

So now I will discuss the normal blood sugar for children of 7 years old and above. As per statistical data about 2 percent of people who are below 20 years have type 1. Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar is a serious problem in diabetes.

Notify the students guardian or physician if previously instructed if ketones are present or if the student is vomiting. The notable diabetes symptoms in children are tiredness increased thirst increased urination increased appetite slow wound healing blurred vision and body pain. Signs That Blood Sugar Levels Are High.

Checking your blood sugar levels several times a day will let you and your parents know when your blood sugar level is high. Hyperglycemia or high blood glucose is defined as having a blood glucose level above your target. High blood sugar can also cause numbness burning or tingling in the hands legs and feet.

Hyperglycemia is the medical term for high blood sugar levels. Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. The solution is to keep your blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible which means following your diabetes management plan.

Glucose levels vary in both children and adults depending on how long it has been since the last meal drink or snack. Children will sometimes outgrow their insulin dosage and have high glucose values. Numbness and tingling.

Increased thirst or dry mouth. WebMD explains the causes and prevention of this condition. Yeast thrives on sugar which may lead.

Be sure to discuss this with your childs endocrinologist andor primary care provider. For people with diabetes insulin function is impaired leading to high blood sugar. Foods that are high in carbs contain more natural sugars which the body cannot process quickly.

High blood sugar can pull fluid from the eye making it hard to focus. Children of this age group should have a random blood sugar of 53-99mmolL or 100-180mgdL. The reason why diet as well as evaluation of sugar intake is important to behavior modification is because intake of refined sugar will lead to an imbalance in your childs blood sugar.

If the blood glucose levels in children fall between 200-350 mgdL consistently then it is considered as a high reading. Test or have the student test blood sugar. Then you can treat it and help prevent DKA from happening.

4 Month Appointment

The 4-month visit is a time to show off your beautiful baby. Then hell beam brightly and charm everyone around him. Pregancy Belly Month ...